Of the vocalists who were made known last night the most valuable acquisition is undoubtedly Herr Julius Perotti, tenor. He is a man of tall, well- proportioned figure, pleasant countenance, and manly bearing. His voice is a true tenor, somewhat heavier in the lower register than the ordinary tenor of the Italian stage, but of large volume, good compass and agreeable quality. His upper notes, which he had ample opportunity to exhibit in the role of Raoul are full, mellow, and strong, and he appeared to be able to produce a good B without unpleasant effort. His method is Italian, and his delivery is at times marred by an excessive use of the vibrato. At other times his vocalization is indistinct, and last night he made no use of those pretty mezzo voce effects which make lovers of Italian opera happy and Germanists miserable. He sang his declamatory passages, however, with ringing tones and an abundance of spirit. He displayed no especially fine qualities as an actor, but he did not offend by over-demonstrativeness nor ungracefulness. Altogether he made an agreeable impression and will doubtless prove to be a very useful singer. The audience treated him with much kindness and bestowed upon him a liberal amount of hearty applause.